When you complete the order, your credit card will be charged for the Off-Grid Calculator license. It’s important that you enter the correct name and email address. This information will be used to generate your license.
Shortly after completing the order, you will receive two emails from us. The first email is a confirmation of your purchase and will act as your receipt. The second email contains your license information along with download and installation instructions.
Please ensure that you add info@theoffgridcalculator.com to your email whitelist. This will ensure that these emails don’t get caught in your spam filter. If you have not receive both emails within 30 minutes of completing the order. Please contact our customer support team at info@theoffgridcalculator.com for assistance.
If you encounter any issues during checkout. Please contact our customer support team at info@theoffgridcalculator.com. We are here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you again for choosing the Off-Grid Calculator. We are excited to help you design an efficient and reliable off-grid electrical system.